Our baby is due this September the 15th. This is Mom's 4th baby. Delivery has always been quick and uneventful, so we are not anticipating any problems. Please respect the following wishes during this birth. And THANK YOU for all that you do and taking the time to read this!
*Allergic to latex
Labor Goals
•Dad will not be present, We ask that Skype be available as soon as possible and for the entire duration of labor, delivery, and recovery.
•I plan to have present at the birth/labor: Midwife, My Mother, Doula-Emmy, and Photographer-Amy
•I ask that only the necessary nursing staff be present throughout my labor and delivery (i.e., no residents, medical students, or other hospital personnel). All unnecessary staff should be turned away until we have had time alone with the baby.
•I am going to have a natural, un-medicated labor/delivery. Please do not offer chemical pain relief. I plan to handle pain with relaxation, visualization, massage and water (shower or tub).
•I prefer not to have an IV or catheter unless determined to be required for another procedure to facilitate delivery.
•I request that the least restricting versions of procedures be used (i.e. intermittent external monitoring). I do not wish to be tied to the bed by monitors. I wish to move freely about the room and change positions frequently.
•I request that no cervix checks be made without my request unless completely necessary.
•I request that my bag of water be allowed to break on its own unless otherwise requested by myself.
•I request that I be allowed to labor naturally. If labor stalls do not offer any medical inducing drugs unless determined to be an emergency. Instead I will try walking, nipple stimulation, and massage. I would prefer to go home and wait it out if necessary.
•I would like to eat if I wish.
Birth/Delivery Goals
•I request that the least invasive versions of procedures be used (no vacuum or forceps).
•If available I would like to view the birth using a mirror if my position permits it.
•I would like to push instinctively at my own pace.
•I do not want an episiotomy. I would first like to try perineal massage, support and warm compresses. If all else fails I would prefer to tear.
•I prefer things to be as hands off as possible.
•I wish to deliver in the position I find most comfortable and effective (i.e. side laying, hands and knees, squatting), no stirrups. Please do not drop the bed down unless completely necessary.
•I would like to reach down to deliver and pull my baby to my chest if my state and position permits it.
•Please keep the commotion over baby to a minimum unless distress is observed.
•We do not know the gender of the baby. We would like for Dad to be the first to see and announce the gender over Skype.
•I would like the cord clamping to be delayed until it stops pulsing.
•I do not want to be rushed to deliver the placenta. Do not tug on the cord or do any kind of uterus sweeping.
•I do not wish to get oxytocin (Pitocin) after delivery unless it's later deemed as necessary.
C-section Goals
(Only to be considered in an emergency, with a clear medical reason that natural birth is impossible.)
•I wish to stay awake for the entire procedure.
•I wish for my mother and photographer to be allowed in the operating room.
•I would like Skype to be available so that Dad can still be present and able to announce baby's gender.
•I would like the screen to be lowered a bit so I can see my baby being delivered
•I wish for the baby to be given to my Mother as soon as possible
•I would like to breastfeed as soon as possible.
Newborn Care Goals
•I do not consent to the baby being given the prophylactic eye ointment.
•I would like to give the baby his/her first bath.
•Do not attempt to offer the baby a bottle or any kind of supplement/sugar water. I wish to exclusively breastfeed. Although, a binky may be offered.
Recovery Goals
•Please ensure my placenta is not contaminated in any way. My doula will be taking it with her.
•I would like my 4 other children to be allowed in the room immediately following the birth.
•I prefer 24-hour rooming-in with my baby.
•I would like to go home as soon as possible.
•Should a transfer be necessary for baby, please allow me to accompany him/her.
(If Boy) Circumcision
•I may prefer a certain method be used. Please discuss our options.
•I would like the procedure to be done before we leave the hospital.
•There will be a photographer present. I would like for her to be allowed to take any photos and/or video she requests during labor/delivery/recovery. Dad is unable to attend the birth due to deployment so it is important to me to have these photos for him upon his return.
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