I am officially 40 weeks pregnant today, based off the growth of the baby at the 20 week ultrasound. Since they started measuring my belly I have always been a week or more ahead. The midwife I saw last week thinks the baby will be very long and weighs near 8 lbs right now. I don't feel that big though and everyone tells me how small I am. Strangers look at me and say... "boy" just based on how high I carry. But we will see... :) I can't wait for his/her head to be resting on my chest. I tend to go straight to picturing a little girl though so we will see if my intuition is correct. So far I am 0 for 3 so I'm not really great on that. ;)
I really thought I would have had him/her by now. I was showing a lot of signs and I ended up letting the midwife strip my membranes which she did a really good job on! I don't ever remember it feeling quite like that. Contractions are stronger and I am feeling a lot of pressure, things just won't kick in and get to be consistent. Based on my past pregnancies I have been pretty confident that the 15th was a good EDD. I have always gone off my LMP as far as due dates go. And if that were the case here I would have been due on the 11th. Gage, I was induced 5 days late due to early signs of preeclampsia so I am not sure how much longer I would have gone. Jack, I went into labor 4 days late. MJ was exactly a week late. But I felt like I was in labor for a good week or 2 before things got serious. So maybe that is the case here as well. So, soon, very soon.
I am also wondering if my body is reacting to somewhat of a fight-or-flight response. It doesn't see the current situation as being safe for the baby. My stress level is a bit high even though I would say I am fairly calm considering. So it's stalling things a bit. Josh is gone... which is a huge bummer! But my parents are here and have helped out a ton getting things as ready as can be. I also have some great friends and family that have helped out a ton in getting some of the things I need! But I still don't feel as prepared as I am used to, mostly because we saved the gender for surprise. A lot of shopping will have to be done following his/her arrival (clothes, nursery décor). Then the most recent set back being all this flooding. Colorado is getting more rain in a day than they normally get in a whole year! It's just crazy! There are people that have it MUCH worse than I, even losing their lives. But having to deal with a flooded basement now 2 separate times is a bit more than I had hoped to deal with the week I'm due to have a baby! My house is torn apart. Not the most favorable atmosphere to bring a baby home to. Luckily my dad delayed his trip home and I have great landlords so things are getting taken care of.
I am ready! Surprisingly this 3rd trimester has been pretty easy going. I have not had near the discomfort I was anticipating. That is till now. My ribs ache so bad and my sciatic nerve and back is so sensitive to any kind of excessive house work. I took the pool down the other day and hurt for 2 days like I had just moved a whole house.
I have been drinking lots of raspberry leaf tea and I'm walking when I can (if the rain will ever stop). Things are happening... including my past weeks weight gain of 5 lbs. Thanks to my dad and his sweet tooth. ;)
Going home outfits, picked out with love by Miss MaryJane
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